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Contact Information
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Company: (Required)
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Requested Information
Contact: Have a sales representative call
Send an information packet in the mail
Send an e-mail with more information
Questions or Comments:
Customer Service and Support Survey
I am interested in the following products: (Required)
Dry drawing compounds Liquid drawing compounds
Iron phosphates Zinc phosphates
Rust preventatives Degreasers
Tube-forming coolants Alkaline cleaners
Acid cleaners Soak tank cleaners
Non-phosphate cleaners Electrolytic cleaners
Deoxidizers Etchants
Neutralizers Rinse-aids
De-scalers De-burring and burnishing compounds
Stamping lubricants Paint strippers
What types of products does your company manufacture?
What range, in gallons, best describes your company's usage of metalworking fluids per year?
I am currently purchasing metalworking fluids from the following vendors:
Using a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being not interested and 5 being very interested, please rank your interest in the following conditions:
Decreasing maintenance costs
Reducing waste costs
Access to customized fluids
Elimination of chlorinated drawing compounds
Elimination of zinc phosphates and stearate soaps
From 1 to 5, please rank the importance of the following factors when selecting a vendor:
Geographic location
Pricing and terms
Length of time and business
Customer support
Product support
What is the current status/relationshiop with your specialty chemical vendor?
How would you best describe your role in the purchase of specialty chemicals?
If you have requested information in the past from Tru-Chem, did you receive the information? If so, in what time frame?
Are you interested in receiving a sample of a Tru-Chem product in order to run a trial with one of our representatives present? Please indicate the product(s)